Welcome to the iLink Lab!

Linking Knowledge Across Disciplines

More About Us!

About iLink

Welcome to iLink, a cutting-edge research laboratory nestled within the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas at El Paso. At iLink, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation in the realm of data and model integration, user-centric software design, and knowledge representation.

At iLink, we believe in the power of collaboration, curiosity, and innovation. Explore the possibilities, connect the dots, and shape the future with us at the intersection of data, models and human interaction.

Lab Team


Natalia Villanueva-Rosales

Principal Investigator Associate Professor Computer Science Department

Oscar Mondragon

Co-Principal Investigator Clinical Associate Professor Computer Science Department

Luis A Garnica Chavira

Research Associate Computer Science Department

Raul Alejandro Vargas Acosta

PhD Research Associate SWIM Project Computer Science Deparment

Bianca Alvarez

PhD Research Associate IS-CUCO Project Computer Science Department

Yair Cabrera-Menendez

PhD Research Associate SSC Project Computer Science Department

Angel U Ortega

PhD Research Associate SWIM Project Computer Science Department

Jeffrey Escamilla

Phd Research Associate SSC Project Computer Science Department

Guillermo Lopez

Masters Research Assistant SSC Project Computer Science Department

Lani Godenzi

Masters Research Assistant Student Success KG Project Computer Science Department

Damian Gallegos

Masters Research Assistant SWIM 3.0 Computer Science Department

Elizabeth Martin

Masters Research Assistant IS-CUCO Project Computer Science Department

Manuel Gutierrez

Masters Research Assistant SSC Project Computer Science Department

Rogelio Lozano

Undergrad Research Assistant SSC Project Computer Science Department

Erik Laneave

Undergrad Research Assistant SSC Project Computer Science Department

Sean Laneave

Undergrad Research Assistant SSC Project Computer Science Department



Sustainable Water Through Integrated Modeling


Smart Social Connector


Information Systems meets CUltural COmpetencies

Student Success KG

Partners & Sponsors

Contact Us


University of Texas at El Paso
Classroom Building C404
2011 Hawthorne St
El Paso, TX 79902, United States